internal medicine (nephrology, neurology, ICU neurology, rheumatology, diabetes asthma and allergies, glands)
,pediatrics (endocrine glands, neurology, asthma and allergies, heart)
,heart (adults, children)
,ICU Pediatricians Vascular Surgery
,General Surgery
,Neurology Neurosurgery (brain and Spinal Surgery)
,ICU NeurosurgeryUrology
,Transplantation Room
,ICU Liver and kidney transplantation
,Cardiac iology and brain Angiography
,Psychiatry (Women, Men, Adolescents, Elderly, Pediatric)
,Emergency (Internal, surgery ical, heart cardiology, pediatric, psychiatric)
,Psychology (men, women, adolescence, elderly, children wards)
,addiction (men and women wards)
,CCU1 (cardiac care unit)
,genral ICU1 (intensive care unit)
,genral ICU2 ICU and pediatrics
,orthopedic DIA
:clinical and paraclinical parts
,CT scan
,nuclear physician
,linear accelerator
,CT angiography
,exercise test
,Lung Test
,Laboratory (Hormone, Biochemistry)
,Interventional Day Centers for Dentistry, and Clinics: Diabetes Education
,ECT (electroshock)
,Transplant Surgery
,Plastic Surgery
,Vascular Surgery
,Hand surgery
,Diabetic foot
,Maxillofacial surgery
.Dentistry in this The collection is prepared opend
انتخاب حالت کور رنگی
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